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Room "Säulingzimmer Beifuss"

Guestroom "Säulingzimmer Beifuss"

The guestroom "Säulingzimmer sagebrush" has a balcony from you a marvellous view of the mountain Säuling have. Impressive the room which is furnished in a local hotel style will become your stay on silent.

KNOWLEDGE: The sagebrush (Artemisia vulgaris) comes with pleasure as a herb for many applications to carry. Particularly in the yule tide the "fat verb racer" is a welcome assistant if the Christmas goose and fat dishes on the table are. The light bitter substances stimulate the gastric juices and help in the digestion.
Sagebrush is used to the cooking, roast and also to the baking.

© Hotel Steiger 2025